What is MarketingOps.com – Ops Cast Interview

Michael Hartmann: Hello, everyone. Welcome to another episode of OpsCast brought to you by the MO Pros, the community-powered by MarketingOps.com in this year of the MO Pro. So yes, we are gonna be doing a special episode here with just the three amigos Mike Rizzo, Naomi Liu, and me Michael Hartmann talking about the new MarketingOps.com site and how that’s tied into the MO Pros community and everything else.

Tell us about it.

Mike Rizzo: I don’t know. We rapped about it yesterday. And you did a nice little jig on that rap that you, the music, is that what it is?

Michael Hartmann: A jig. It’s a jig. Yeah. Okay. So I had to have to, so I played that on my computer, I was sitting at the dining room table cuz that’s now with all the kids home.

That’s where my desk is. Oh yeah. And my oldest was. He didn’t see it, but he is that did you have any involvement with that? and I don’t think it meant, I don’t think he meant it as a compliment

Mike Rizzo: It was

Michael Hartmann: so much fun. Yeah, it was fun. Seems to be well, so for our listeners, if you haven’t already seen it, there is a great little rap video.

What was the guy’s name? Ding. Ding

Mike Rizzo: Zang. Yeah. Yeah. Ding like the doorbell. That’s what he likes to say to people when he introduces himself ding

Michael Hartmann: like the doorbell, as long as he

Mike Rizzo: says it. Yeah, I would not say that unless he actually told me that’s how he intro’s – he literally introduced himself that way to me.

Michael Hartmann: All right. So we, we’ve got a marketing ops wrap now that’s part

Mike Rizzo: of the launch, but yeah, that’s pretty much it, right? That’s all MarketingOps.com is about, it’s just creating music videos, these days, music videos. no, I could do that. No, I’m super excited about the launch. It’s been a long time coming, like for level setting, storytelling context whatever you want to call it.

I had, I was fortunate enough to acquire that do domain a year ago, literally a year ago. I, we were at our summer camp. Last year and I had finalized the transaction and it took everything in my willpower to not like share with the room that like we had this really cool opportunity to like, go create like the home for all of this stuff that we’re talking about right here in this room or on slack or on the podcast.

And and it’ll live on MarketingOps.com. Like that just sounds so fun. So I didn’t tell anybody then, and, fast forward it’s been a year and it’s been a long slog. And I apologize for any of the hiccups in the migration that some of you may have experienced, but it was relatively smooth and yeah it’s, I’m referring to it.

Or I should say we’re all referring to it as the community-led platform for marketing operations professionals. Really at the end of the day, it’s. It’s a lift and shift from the content that we were creating on the Mo pro’s website and then adding in more layers of educational material.

And I think most importantly is the user profile that we’re focused in on. So you can go to marketing apps.com. And create effectively a LinkedIn-style professional profile that speaks to your talents and your skills in a way that, frankly, LinkedIn doesn’t do a very good job of you can list your marketing ops, MarTech certifications.

You can dive in a little bit more deeply on telling us, what types of other skills do you have and how many years of experience do you have in those skills? Maybe you’re really well versed at Python or data and analytics or something like that. And you can slide your years of experience and your excellence the degree with which you feel confident enough to say you’re an advanced or an expert or a beginner, you can tell us all of that stuff. And then hopefully as you decide to become more involved in the community and you decide to maybe invest in creating content for, through the community maybe you’re publishing some thought leadership on our blog, or you become an ambassador or you become a host of a workshop.

We’re gonna pull all of that stuff through. Gosh, if you’re a guest on this podcast, we’re gonna tag you to that episode, put it onto our website and that’s gonna pull right through to your website or to your profile specifically. And that on LinkedIn, right? People can write articles and you can see some of those things, but.

The way I like to think of it is that the next time you go to apply for a role at marketing ops, I think it would be really nice and a win. I think we really hit the mark. If someone sends someone their MarketingOps.com professional profile, and it shows. The way that they write the way that they speak the way so they’re on a podcast, right?

The way that they teach, maybe they hosted a workshop or they became a professor with our professors’ program and they can see all of the certifications and skills that they’ve acquired over the years in a way that just, I think was missing for a lot of us and the community helps shape what that might look like.

So that’s really the essence of what’s behind it is like, how do we create an environment to elevate all of the marketing ops professionals out there, and then give them the ability to go showcase those skills in a very unique way. I don’t think all that comes through on the website’s home page, by the way.

Michael Hartmann: Yeah, so I like a couple of things. So for those who don’t know, I’m just coming back from literally being off the grid. I was like not, I was actually not online when all this went live recording about a week later from when it launched. But I don’t think I realized that. I knew there was the profile thing, but I didn’t realize you had that vision for it.

So I think, okay. So I need to go add to my to-do list to, to go make sure my profile’s up there. So just to use it,

Mike Rizzo: Frankly, I’m glad to hear you say that, Michael cuz I was talking with some of the other community members and some of the folks on the leadership side and who have been helping build all this stuff with me.

And. I said, gosh, I feel like I need to do like a, I don’t know, like a LinkedIn live or something where I go through, like what a profile really could look like. So that people understand this is not just a, like business that we’re just like trying no this is meant to give everybody a chance to learn, absorb, join a community and have a real cool professional profile.

That’s what it’s for. Like maybe one day the homepage will just look more like a social media page and you’ll log right into the directory instead. But for right

Naomi Liu: now it’s where do you see this in? If you were to talk to yourself six months from now, or even a year from now, like this time next year, and you were to say, this is where I envision.

The site being and the use cases and things like that. I’m curious what your vision for that

Mike Rizzo: is. Yeah, that’s a good question. So we haven’t launched, we’ve teased at launching the educational courses that are practitioner led, right? So we’ve engaged. Almost 30 community members who are each working on their own course material.

So I envision by, this year alone, we will release a number of courses that those professors themselves created. And then by this time, next year, we’ll have, hopefully a nice offering of educational material. Some of that material will be made free depending on how it’s subsidized by any partners doesn’t mean that your data’s gonna be sent across to some partner, but we’re trying to make some of this stuff accessible because we need more entrance into the market.

But the call out there is that with the professor program launching I’m hoping that we will. By this time next year, really have the foundation of that certification that we all keep talking about. So think of it a little bit like a collegiate program where you can maybe earn some credits.

And so there’s hopefully gonna be a number of courses that are available either free or paid that you can go take as credits towards. Really showcasing that, what it takes to do marketing ops. And it really has a backing and it’s community led again, like it’s backed by real, everyday practitioners, teaching real topics.

And eventually we’ll be making strides towards launching that certification program. I would like to see that come to fruition in the next year. I’d say the other part that’s really interesting is we talk a little bit about it. You it’s like it’s tucked away in a line item of what I would refer to as the membership pricing page, right?

Quote unquote, as I do air quotes there’s one line that says like something like paid consulting opportunities. Just for anyone that listens to this episode, what that really means is that. Taking that data that you’ve provided about yourself as an expert, we can anonymize that information.

And O if you opt into the program you have to opt in. We can present you as an expert in topics, and people may want to ask you about, your experience as they go to build new tools, new technology or maybe just purely, how do I. How do I scale Marketo? We wanna present you as experts to those folks that are looking for all of you and give you an opportunity to maybe earn a little bit of income from that exchange.

Naomi Liu: I just had an amazing idea, like real time ask an expert, live chat. where he just, I have a question, right? Wouldn’t I goodness, how do I do this? I literally was thinking about this today and I had a Salesforce question that I needed some help with. And I was like, man My sales force person is on vacation.

I don’t like, who do I talk to? It’s just, so ask an expert type series. I feel like that would be pretty cool. Buy credits, and you just so cool.

Mike Rizzo: The credits thing is super interesting to me. Like I, I went down this with an advisor of mine. I went down this rabbit hole.

Like I’m not gonna go down. All of the, is web three, a thing or tokens and all that stuff. That’s not the kind. System that I want to try to architect necessarily, nor do I want to get into a debate about whether that’s a good platform, but I do the concept of what sort of Reddit has done with like the way that they do token.

So maybe as a part of being a member, you have the ability to reward other members for their time. And so I wanna find a way the inherent problem with the reward systems that we’re used to, like hotel points or credit cards or whatever, is that it, it serves the business.

And so for those of you that know me well enough, like I’m, I have a problem with serving the quote unquote business that we’re in. I would much rather create an environment where you get to trade between each other. These tokens, and it serves less of the business and more of the people.

And so if there’s a way where we can architect a program that says Hey I’ve gotten a certain number of tokens or credits or whatever, and I really need some of Naomi’s time. Naomi and exchange gets your tokens and she can then go use those for something else too. Maybe she uses them to buy a course.

And so eventually it helps the business, but Basically, it’s an exchange system between the community to reward behavior for, being a good community member. Anyway, I, sorry, tangented there, but I think the idea of asking an expert and this whole concept of like, how do you create value and reward?

Good ex good exchange between the community is something that’s super top of mind for.

Naomi Liu: Yeah, it’s office hours, yeah. Back in school and you go to your TA or your prof and you’re like, I need help on some so and something. And when they’re online and it’s just rotating list of, or a schedule of experts that can log in any time you can chat with them.

I just think that would be such a, sometimes you just need a quick, not even just asking questions, but it’s like a sanity check. Hey. Does this make sense? Is there, are there any gotchas, is there something that I’m totally missing here?

Mike Rizzo: Yeah. It’s , it’s so funny. So back in the day, this is probably five years ago.

Maybe more. I have a hard time remembering, but when I was learning marketing ops and I was I was getting involved with. What I would refer to now is like the product led stuff, right? Thinking about how to take product level data and trigger marketing automation stuff. I was learning how to code and I struggled with that a lot.

I was like, how do I teach myself Ruby on rails? Cuz that at the time was what Maven link was built on. And I, they still are. And I’m sure So I started learning code and I was pair programming with some folks. And I was just like, you know what? These poor people are just giving me their time.

Like my engineers are just giving me their time. They’re so sweet. That’s so nice of them to help me out. But wouldn’t it be nice if there was just like digital handshake that could be made where it’s I really want to learn this thing and I need to source a learner. And anyway, I ended up like trying to go down that, that route for a little while.

Like how do you create an environment where if I want Naomi’s time, like she can actually get paid for that. And then it’ll be like an Uber system, right? Where like you rate me as the learner. And if I just wanted you to do the work for me, you give me a really bad rating. Because I’m not clearly, I’m not trying to actually learn.

I just wanted you to do the job

Michael Hartmann: Trying to create a marketplace

Mike Rizzo: Yeah. And I was like, cool, wouldn’t that be so neat? And then I was like, I have no idea how to do that. So it just like never went that way.

Michael Hartmann: everything I’ve ever heard about those kinds of businesses. It’s really hard because typically you’re, most new businesses you’re developing a product for a, end consumer, whether it’s a business or an individual.

In this case, when you’re doing a marketplace, you need both sides to be able to, like you needed a core set of people to be a part of that, to make the marketplace worthwhile for any of them to be there. Yeah.

Mike Rizzo: That’s the hard part. Yeah. Marketplaces are I’ve. I’ve talked with many entrepreneur about that too.

And And just, Hey, I read some blogs about it. Speaking of what we were talking about before the shift started, but right. I was like, wow, that seems really complicated. so you read

Michael Hartmann: a blog, you read a blog post . How 2015, right? Right now me. Yes.

Naomi Liu: Yes. I I, what we were talking about earlier, before we, we started this recording, is that the other day I had I was having snacks or adult beverages with a good friend of mine.

And she is a travel slash lifestyle influencer blogger. But I would say one of the OG bloggers she started probably 10 12 years ago when the word or having a job as an influencer, wasn’t really a thing, right? It just, that it just didn’t really, that vernacular just didn’t really exist.

And, she was making a significant, she was making all of her income, significant amount of income. Through her blog, advertising, how to get the best deals for flights hotels, what you should look for things around like how to plan an itinerary and where you should go. Best places to visit and tons of ad revenue and traffic through her site.

But something that she had noticed over the past, and this started even before COVID had happened, I would say. Saw it happening a couple years before COVID started, is that the decrease in blog traffic was actually significant. I started dropping significantly quarter after quarter and year after year, but in on the reverse, her social following on Twitter, TikTok, Instagram, even Facebook just started growing more and it led to a really interesting discussion where she just felt like people are more interested in consuming.

Small quick bits of information, all in one place, as opposed to reading about it on a blog while they’re scrolling through ads and popups and things like that. And I don’t disagree,

Mike Rizzo: Either. I try

Naomi Liu: to find a recipe for pie. That’s what I was gonna say. You are like reading four paragraphs of their family history.

We cook a lot while you’re trying to click on the ingredients list and you accidentally click on a popup. , yes.

Michael Hartmann: It’s probably happened to me a couple of times already this week. Cause we’ve been, yeah. We’re always looking for new recipes, Yeah. Especially through COVID it’s gotta come up with new stuff.

That’s it’s interesting though. I’m cur it’s well, I think we, so we talked about this, right? Like I’m a big fan of podcasts in general, right? As a listener, not just doing this, but I think there’s something about. I think it’s probably somewhat about how people learn. I don’t know. I like, I see this with my, since I have kids who all are, think of your kids being, all coming out of the same parents, but they’re different in the way they work.

Like one, like mine are very much, especially one, right? Audible audio listener, like learners can listen to something or watch a video. And it’s in there. That’s not me for me. I actually don’t retain as much. So it’s interesting that it’s taking off, but I do think there’s something about be able to start and stop.

That’s part of why I think people I don’t read as many books as I would like to. And part of that is because by the time I’m able to do it, have to sit down, I have to have quiet cuz I have to, I can’t concentrate with there’s other stuff going on and. And then I have to remember, okay, where was I again?

Especially if it’s like a complicated book and then I have to go back and I start over and then I fall asleep and I just

Mike Rizzo: I’m the same way. I I think we’ve probably talked about this before, either offline or on a, on an episode. But I always I have made my mom growing up because she would get so in Into whatever it was that she was reading that she literally could just like magically not hear me anymore.

I’d be like mom, she, just couldn’t hear me. She thought you were Stewy yeah, totally. Mom, you

Michael Hartmann: yeah. Naomi, those, you can’t see, we’re on Naomi’s like nodding, but I don’t think she really knows what that reference was. Did

Mike Rizzo: you know it stew? Did you say Stewy?

Naomi Liu: Yeah, I did. I’m assuming family guy.

Mike Rizzo: Yes, that is right.

Naomi Liu: Okay. Give me a little bit more credit here. Seriously. You

Mike Rizzo: got it. You earned in a world, you to

Naomi Liu: certain token. Brian and the dog that always wants to kill the family and Meg. I know it. I know

Mike Rizzo: it. I know it.

Michael Hartmann: Yeah, so there, but there is a particular one that I’ve shown my kids multiple times where they’re doing that.

Mom mom, mama.

Mike Rizzo: Yeah. Yeah. It’s yeah. I, so for me reading, I’m very much the same way. I don’t retain from reading like it’s harder to get locked in. I do retain the stuff that I read. And my other problem is that once I finally get into a book, I get about halfway through the thing and I’m like, yeah, I get.

If it’s not like a, An entertainment book, if it’s like more of a business book, which is pretty much all I’m ever gonna actually pick up. I always go to get to a point where I’m like, okay, I get it. I just put it down, which is horrible, but with a podcast or video content, I can pause it and I can come back and I can rewind.

And it’s being like injected into my brain versus like the, I guess I’m lazy. I guess that’s what it boils down to is that I’m lazy and need people to feed it into my brain. . but, in terms of viewership change, Naomi. I think going back to a little bit to what Michael just said it depends on how you learn.

It also depends on the industry a little bit, I think on a regular, very regular basis in the community. I get pinged about one of the blog posts on our blog. That is, has broken images in it. and I, it, shout out to Brad, if you are listening, I would love to get those images fixed, man.

these people love your blog post. But they ask, Hey, I’ve been trying to go through this content, but unfortunately, these, these images are broken or whatever. I know it’s like only a couple people asking me about it, but they’re going to the blog. They.

They’re checking it out. They’re reading the howtos. And I think this audience, at least from what I’ve experienced so far, a good chunk of the marketing operations professionals really enjoy the ability to go back and look at that documentation or that process. And then, maybe pull that into to whatever it is that they need.

But I think the same is also true for, the reason why we created the no BS demo. Is exactly for the concept that I don’t have time. So like to your friend’s point, Naomi, where so many of, and to what you were saying, right? Like I would rather consume short form content on social.

Than go read an entire blog post. Yeah. I would much rather consume a short form, like no BS demo than sit through an hour and a half long discovery and multiple demos of this product. We are community led, like we’re trying to create content that the community wants to consume, but they we take the cues from what people are literally asking for.

So for what it’s worth I am not surprised that the blog has a decrease in traffic, but I’m also like expecting that certain industries will react a different way.

Naomi Liu: Yeah, definitely. And I feel it depends on why you’re consuming the content, right? I think for most of us it’s relevant because we’re probably, we’re doing our jobs at a computer at a desk.

We’re not running marketing ops teams from our phone or iPad. Whereas like when we’re probably relaxing after work and trying to do some trip planning or looking at recipes or like meals to make you maybe. At a grocery store on your phone trying to scroll through something. So it is very different in that sense.

And I think the good thing about. Technology in this kind of medium, is that it, you have the ability to flex based on data, right?

Mike Rizzo: So yeah, I will say though, on the subject of recipes and all that one of the other popular communities out there that I’m in published a recipe that today that was curated by the community.

I was like, that’s fascinating. Ooh. So I’m like, do we need to have a recipe program or like a recipe

Naomi Liu: club?

Michael Hartmann: I feel like that would. When you say curated, like mult, like it was like almost like a Wiki kind of thing where people like, Hey, we wanna do a recipe for. I don’t

Mike Rizzo: know how to some sort of dish.

Yeah. I don’t know how they pulled it all together, but it seems like they have this new club now. And what was shared today was some sort of recipe for some sort of meal. So I just was fascinating

Michael Hartmann: and the community it was a community col collaboration to come up with it.

Mike Rizzo: It seems that way. At least that’s how I that’s. That was like the quick. Two second scroll that I gave it where I was like, oh, interesting. We

Naomi Liu: should do the same. Except it can only be from like the fifties or sixties and involve like jello and pass mold. that could be, I remember those some version

of mayonnaise. I don’t

Mike Rizzo: know. I like,

Michael Hartmann: so as long as real mayonnaise, miracle Whipp does not count as mayonnaise just for the

Mike Rizzo: record. yeah. I, you know what I’m with you on that. But so I’m curious from your. Y’all’s too, perspective and anybody who listens to this, if you want to message me feel free.

I tend to err as much as possible on the side of sorry, did you

Naomi Liu: say message me for. .

Mike Rizzo: Oh, did I say that?

Naomi Liu: I thought that, no, but it’s funny because it’s almost like the ASCA expert thing. It’s you can talk to me.

Mike Rizzo: that’s not, I said I didn’t mean to going forward.

Naomi Liu: Subliminally you’re already plotting those up.

Mike Rizzo: Maybe I am that’s well, it’s

Michael Hartmann: really nail it’s the, it’s his gateway drug

Mike Rizzo: it’s nail it’s Naomi

Naomi Liu: called. For the next two weeks, you can message me for free

Mike Rizzo: yeah. Stay always fall for planting that seed. It’s not mine. Anyway, so message me in whatever, wherever it doesn’t matter. Just message me. But the question that I have for the two of you is I tend to err on the side of be.

Be less noisy. Ask fewer random questions share fewer random things and do less random stuff. But that means sometimes that I might not like I’m blocking myself from thinking about other community programs that might actually be fun. So here we are talking about recipes and I thought like that was interesting, but I also wondered like how much of this min almost 30,000 person group that I’m in.

That resonated with, was that noise or was that fun? Is that just because 1% needed that? So I don’t know are we too noisy? Does that start to push us in the direction of being too noisy, too clicky? I don’t know. How do you all feel about the level of activity at the community level in the communities that you’re a part of and you could be hypercritical of our own.

Michael Hartmann: Yeah, I’ll take, so my first thought was not like, are they noisy? My first thought was for your perspective, Mike, I think if what you’re worried about is how will I know when it’s too noisy? I think you’ll like the community will tell you very quickly that yeah. They’ll so I don’t think there’s any risk of that.

You just need to make sure you’re listening for it. And then being ready to try. Adjust. I think that’s one of the good things about these communities. So I, I joined several communities over the last few years and I probably say this all the time. Like I wish that they had been around 10, 15, 20 years ago, whereas different places in my career.

But there are several that I’ve I’ve had to really narrow it down because. At least for me, I’m easily distracted by the squirrel running by, so when I start hearing these popup messages that, oh, there’s a notification. I feel like I feel guilty, not reading through all these posts.

So I’ve had to just shut down certain ones and just not pay attention to them at all. So I’m no longer, really active. And I suspect actually there’s probably, there’s a number of communities that have come up over the last few years that are in, that would make sense for, from a professional standpoint, for someone like me to be in.

And I’ve just made conscious decisions about which ones I continue to participate in one, I don’t and it might do. I feel like I might be missing out on stuff. Yeah. Probably do it like, but I, I. I also have to be th thinking about the time I have available to spend on that versus other things.

And that’s really the mental math I’m going through. Yeah. But I, I don’t know that this community’s. I don’t feel like that’s the case. Like I was gone for a week and it took me, I, a little bit of time over the course of the last few days to get caught up on important things.

I’m not completely caught up on everything, but I also have learned to oh, this channel thinking about slack, this channel, I don’t really need to, I can go catch up on that in one fell SW or , I’ll just clear it out. Cause I know that going backwards and that doesn’t make a lot of sense.

So that’s how I think about


Mike Rizzo: Yeah. And so like for me, when I say noisy We I’m trying to avoid that distraction, right? Like you’ve got work, you need to get done. And so creating messages that might not be that valuable on a frequency that’s just a little too high. Means that there’s a higher chance for that squirrel moment to happen.

And I’m trying to reduce that level of squirrel for that lack of a better way to think about it. But but at the same time, balancing, this should be fun. Like we should have some fun stuff to do periodically too. And if that’s a recipe club, like cool, that’s a recipe club. I just, it’s balancing the professional and comradery building opportunities that I’m trying to figure out.

I don’t know. So Naomi, you look like you were gonna say something about noise. You’re muted. You’re literally muted. So you won’t say anything about noise

Michael Hartmann: while she’s working out her technology there you’re still muted. Naomi

Okay. So for those listening, you’re like we get this face, like we get to see this face of stuff. Anyway We’re one of the things I’ve noticed in at least one other community I’m in is that there is they tend to do some experiments for different ideas on how to make the com like connect people in the community in different ways.

And some of them have worked and some of them haven’t. And I think they the thing I liked about seeing that is not only did they try stuff, which is great, I think, but they also They just dropped. They dropped the program if it wasn’t working. So yeah. And that’s, that was kinda, so that was like, I, which I appreciate, because I think not only do you know community as a, if you think of it as a business, I think too many businesses have that fallacy of the sun cost. Put so much money into doing this thing. And when it’s, obviously it’s either not gonna be, you’re not gonna reach your goal or it’s not being as successful, or it’s not that they’re not willing to say, okay, I’m just gonna stop.

Yeah, I think that so I can appreciate that.

Mike Rizzo: Yeah. We just wanna, we just want to avoid, we wanna make sure the experience is as valuable as it can be without being overly burdensome to the professional throughout the day and all that stuff. Naomi, I think we’re still failing to have success.

Nope. Yeah. We just lost you. We’re super sad about it.


Michael Hartmann: you can restart about it. .

Mike Rizzo: Anyway so yeah, I, hopefully that answered some questions about the way I was thinking about MarketingOps.com expect in the coming, days or weeks, what have you for me to try to do a little bit of that run through? Maybe I’ll do my own no BS demo.

I don’t know. I’m laughing at myself now. I sound like that would be good. Nope.

Michael Hartmann: Yeah. So I think that’s a great idea. No BS demo. I do think that, so I was thinking about the whole conversation about blogs versus other formats and things like that. I do think there’s something about the video based ones.

In particular, like if it’s something that requires a visual anyway, and I think demos of software in part like things like that make a lot of sense to be done. On a video because it’s a lot easier to see that it’s really hard to describe that in words that are gonna be.

Understood in everybody’s brain is the same way, but oh, okay. This is what you meant by this interactive thing. I’m gonna click here and then it just doesn’t work. Yeah.

Mike Rizzo: Yep. I totally agree.

Michael Hartmann: Anyway, back, Hey, she’s back what?

Naomi Liu: There we go. Okay.

Michael Hartmann: So you yeah for our listeners, what they don’t know is that’s usually me, that’s having no problem.

So true. That’s funny. Naomi, give us, give it to us here. What was the wisdom you were gonna drop on

Naomi Liu: us? No, I was just gonna say that you took the words outta my mouth when it came to the noise piece, right? I, it depends for me. I. Have this thing where it bothers me when, I have notifications on slack and I feel like, oh, I have this anxiety where I need to catch up and read everything cuz otherwise I just feel oh my gosh, I’m missing some words of Woodstone that, you know, especially on, on channels and communities where they don’t have the premium plans and things will just disappear after a period of time.

So I definitely feel that, but then there is this cutoff or threshold point where at some point I’m just like, you know what. It’s fine. It doesn’t matter. I will just control I’ll delete and then start fresh. And Monday’s a new day and let me just catch up on everything that was missed. So yeah.

It depends on the week. Depends on how I feel too.

Mike Rizzo: I have a super secret to share with the two of you right now that I’m but you’re gonna tell everybody. Yeah, I’m gonna tell everybody that listens to this too. Hang on. I’m really hoping. I’m really hoping.

That we might have actually found a way to, to get to that historical knowledge, share that’s happening in the slack channel without being like paying slack bajillions of dollars a month. Cuz we can’t afford that. so we might have figured it out.

Michael Hartmann: Stage two. So I thought you were gonna tell, yeah, I thought you were gonna tell us something.

You’re basically giving us a cliff anger here. Thanks.

Mike Rizzo: so if we figured it out then you know, Things might be really interesting. Cause we can actually go back and like reference those conversations that we had before and stuff like that.

Naomi Liu: Which is, are you going to fund it based on how people pay you to talk to you or

Mike Rizzo: No. No, it’ll just be a part of the, are you charging us right now? Tell me. I I think it’ll become a part of the premium membership offering to be able to access the historical knowledge,

Naomi Liu: but we’re grandfathered in,

Mike Rizzo: there’s about, how many grandfathered in people there probably already are.

I’m, like I said, at the, earlier in this recording, I have a problem with servicing the business needs. That’s OK.

That’s it’s elevated. We’re fine.

Michael Hartmann: Okay, so I, can I, a couple of things. I’ll just stick with one. I we could talk offline about this, like that program. You’re talking about where you’re connecting people. I curious about that a little bit about like the scope of the kinds of things you’re talking about, but yeah.

Naomi, you brought up with your friend the blog to other channel stuff. When you all talked or maybe did you start thinking about, okay, how does this impact my business, should we be thinking about. Doing, using different channels in different ways. Should we be doing different kinds of content?

Naomi Liu: I thought about that, at the same time, it’s like, it’s nice that there is a differentiator before bed, if I’m on social for a bit, or if I’m just reading the news or I’m on Reddit or whatnot, I don’t necessarily want to consume mindless, like relaxation time things, the same way that I consume work stuff either.

. I don’t know if I like that blend, I wouldn’t wanna start learning about, velocity script and Tracking fields and Salesforce on Instagram. That’s just not I look, I like that differentiator and that I can just say okay right now, if I wanna do a bit of self learning or if I need, some help from the community, I know where to go look for it, as opposed to it’s just in my face all the time.

Mike Rizzo: You mean you don’t wanna be working 24 7 across social media

Naomi Liu: platforms? No, I feel in our industry too, it sometimes feels like the line is a bit blurred though.

Michael Hartmann: What do you mean when you, what industry do you mean your business or in like marketing

Naomi Liu: ops and marketing ops, right?

Yeah, because in general We’re constantly looking at technology. And we’re evaluating it and we’re seeing what people are doing. And I have a hard time separating. If I’m seeing, if I’m being served a really cool ad and in a really relevant and timely way, I in my mind, I’m trying to break down.

Oh, how did they do that? Were they listening to me on my phone? Totally. Did I search for something? How do they know that I want these very specific pants in this color and they know my size.

Mike Rizzo: So

Michael Hartmann: that’s funny. It is funny. You say that, cuz yeah. I think most people, when they get their inbox that aren’t in this kind of world like that, if they get, start getting air quote spam, non-targeted emails, which like they’ll start to block people. And I like, I almost never do that partially because I wanna see what other people are doing. So it’s this so I think our behavior is probably a little different, I will say that. So part of the platform stuff that we use for recording all this and publishing the podcast started by me doing some research, then getting served up an ad on Facebook.

Yeah, true. Which then prompted me. And so it was like, for me, it was a really it was a, like a watershed moment or, a pivot point where I’d be like, oh, maybe because I’d always been like, oh, for B2B, World, this, Facebook, Instagram, that kind of stuff. Doesn’t really make a lot of sense.

And now I’m like, actually, if it’s done well and done I think it can make be pretty effective.

Mike Rizzo: Yeah. That’s what I keep hearing. But, I just keep fighting the good fight that we shouldn’t have to spend any ad dollars. And if the value of the community is good enough, it’ll just grow.

That’s my goal.

Michael Hartmann: Yeah. And I was thinking more like for our listeners in terms of their, the businesses that they’re a part of. Yeah.

Naomi Liu: Yeah. There is a podcast called under the influence. And if you have never heard of it, you should go subscribe to it. Right now. It’s a Canadian podcast.

Terry arrived even better and it’s all about advertising and marketing and every topic is amazing. Honestly, I always, it’s probably one of my favorite podcasts. That’s not true crime but he had one episode recently, actually that was around brands that don’t advertise and how they’re so successful.

So company, for example, like Costco, they don’t advertise. It’s all word of mouth, community membership.

Michael Hartmann: Trader Joe’s

Mike Rizzo: . Yeah. So

Naomi Liu: that’s, I, it’s funny under the influence, it’s like inception a podcast promoting another podcast.

Mike Rizzo: I love it. When we do that, we’ll try to remember to link to the show notes because we have such a tight operation here on OpsCast.

Naomi Liu: If I remember

Mike Rizzo: I’ll do this, , we’ll try to remember to link to it. I love that you talk about the Costco model, cuz like that’s so like totally the like line of thinking that I have when it comes to like one, one point for all of the things, that’s what we want to create for this community.

Anyway I I wanted to ah, dang it. There was. There was another thing that I wanted to tell you all about, but we’ll have to do it on another episode. So that’s another teaser .

Michael Hartmann: Yeah,

Mike Rizzo: but I think let’s wrap this episode. Yes. Agreed. With a live, listen to our new rap single and then, oh, we’re gonna wrap with a rap.

Oh, we’re not gonna rap. We’re just gonna listen to it. So Michael, why don’t you take us home and then I’m gonna go ahead and we’re gonna play that song so people can just tune in whenever they. All right.

Michael Hartmann: So everyone, once again, thanks for joining us on the episode here. If you have feedback, comments, suggestions, wanna be a guest, or have a idea for a guest or a topic, please reach out to any of us.

We won’t charge you. promise. It’s all free. It’s always free. It’s all free. And with that, it’s a. Bye everyone.

Mike Rizzo: Bye bye MarketingOps.com. Shout us here at MCN. Shout out Dara Alfonso. Shout us Scott Brinker. Shout out Jason, race, Leger and shout out Daniel Murray. Let’s

Michael Hartmann: go. Mop

Mike Rizzo: thriller, no time for cheap filler marketing operations is a key pillar.

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Michael Hartmann: pros together,

Mike Rizzo: Strong we’re built by the community for you. At marketing loves.com. Marketing loves.com here with the Mo pro is finally here.

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